10 Lessons from Avatar the Last Airbender
Avatar: The Last Airbender was a dazzling show revolving on the two main traits, namely power and balance. As a kid back in 2005, when the show was first aired, to the current year 2020, watching the show again for the fourth time has again made me realize why I consider it as the ultimate show, the one I can watch over and over again without feeling bored or unimpressed. Nevertheless, this time, I took the liberty to note down the important lessons taught throughout the series which we may have overlooked.
- Even if you aren’t talented or lack any ability, you can still be vital
To prove this point, we will be discussing Sokka and Toph from the series. Sokka, who’s surrounded by the most powerful benders in the world, may feel useless at times with his inability to bend and considers himself a liability on his friends initially. He also struggles to keep up especially when he was trapped in the ground in season 2, yet over time, the character of Sokka only gets polished, honing his skills as he showcases his excellent military strategist side accompanied by his relentless fighting ability.
As for Toph, everyone including her parents considered her to be nothing more than a vulnerable blind girl who wasn’t ready to face the real world. However, she brushed aside all such claims by harnessing the other gifts she was blessed with as she ended up as the greatest earth bender as well as the originator of metal bending. You can’t let your inabilities or shortcomings stop you from being who you are.
2. Letting go is hard but necessary
Most of our generation struggles to take the necessary step of letting go. Their inner-consciousness consistency provokes them to cling onto toxic ties at the expense of their dignity and self-respect as they still think they will be back to the ways they used to be. Remember the time Guru Pathik insisted that Aang should let go of Katara if he was to master the avatar state? Well, Aang fled and refused to accept that bitter truth and when the time arrived, he did manage to overcome this barrier too as he finally opened up his crown Chakra. Letting go does not specifically mean you burn all ties and consider it a sin to keep a connection, but you have to understand that if something is stopping you from achieving your potential, you have to do what’s necessary for yourself.
3. Forgiveness is the most powerful tool
War inevitably leads to losses. In this example, we will use the scene from Season 2 where Katara and Zuko are prisoners of Azula in the Earth Kingdom capital. Katara has massive hatred for the Fire Nation taking roots from the assassination of her mother at the hands of the Fire Nation. Zuko is seen as an extension of the Fire Nation and her anger extends over him too. However, an honest conversation where both sides express their reasons for the path they have chosen prompts Katara to change her thinking as for a moment, she accepts Zuko and forgives him for his past. Later, when Zuko returns in season 3 with Katara hesitating on accepting him, Zuko eventually takes her to the murderer of her mother where she’s finally ready to avenge her loss. Seeing the killer, all vulnerable and at the mercy of Katara, she shows she is the bigger person and forgives the culprit rather than shedding blood in response to the earlier merciless cruelties he bestowed on her family.
4. Your family does not define who you are
Prince Zuko is without doubt the biggest example here. Son of the Fire Lord, the crown prince at one stage, heir of the family causing havoc across the four different kingdoms, yet his journey for the search of the Avatar made him realize the world isn’t as simple as he believed it to be. He finds himself at odds with the Fire Lord, prompting the realization that he must rebel for the good of himself and the world. Zuko is often shunned by others upon the discovery of his lineage; nevertheless, by remaining true to himself and forging his path, Zuko eventually becomes a worthy leader of the Fire Nation in his own right.
5. People can change
There are several notable examples in this series ranging from Prince Zuko to the two accomplices of Azula but the most significant one is of Uncle Iroh. A ruthless Fire Nation General in the past, titled “Dragon of the West”, he was in line to become the next Fire Lord. However, his siege of the Earth Kingdom capital, which resulted in the death of his beloved son, catalyzed to change his heart. He foregoes his titles and responsibilities to live a quiet life alongside Zuko, finding positivity while guiding those alongside him to the right path. After years of serving for the Fire Nation, hoping to conquer Ba Sang Say, he returns as the leader of the ‘White Lotus’ to conquer the magnificent city but to free it from the Fire Nation, opposite of what he had set out for as a General of his Nation.
6. There is always room for Redemption
If you believe that there is no way back for you in light of all the mistakes and sins you may have committed, this series depicts that a redemption is always an option. Take Prince Zuko and Uncle Iroh as examples. While both may have been involved in brutal violence earlier on in their lives, when the time arrived, they both redeemed themselves for the better good. The journey towards may not be simple as Zuko faced a rebellion in his consciousness, had to forego his position as a prince, and even prove himself to the Aang and his friends but eventually, he got what he dreamed of. Same goes for Iroh, who was imprisoned, disowned by the Fire Nation, disgraced with shame but still bore all the difficulties to end up crossing paths with the Fire Lord, freeing Earth Nation from the brutality of the fire benders.
7. Learning from the Past
Quite often, people are hesitant when it comes to talking about their past and prefer to shun it as a bad memory inside their minds. However, this series depicts Uncle Iroh as someone who willingly talks about the tragic loss of his son alongside the mistakes of his past. You need courage beyond comprehension to admit your flaws and here, he used his past examples as tools to guide Zuko to a better path and destiny. By advocating for compassion and peace, Iroh’s change becomes a vessel through which viewers see the potential for a person to change for the better. Iroh represents the good inside everyone, while also acknowledging the effort required to obtain a degree of personal satisfaction and enlightenment.
8. Importance of being Kind and Empathetic
This series has repeatedly stressed the idea that kindness and empathy are essentials needed by people to develop. Seen Katara saving a Fire Nation village disguised as the Painted Lady after she felt sorry over their miserable state of living? Uncle Iroh’s talk on compassion to Zuko? They depict that there are values that far exceed the effect of hate. There were instances where the people returned their kindness with ungrateful behavior but that didn’t prompt reaction from the ones expressing kindness in a cruel world. The kindness and empathy shown by Avatar’s characters are a reflection of their development throughout the show. It reminds viewers to act with selflessness even if it goes unappreciated.
9. There is always hope even in unfavorable times
Nearing the end of Season 3, Aang has a crisis of faith. Repeatedly being outdone by the Fire Nation along with the lack of time to master the last element causes an air of uncertainty as they begin to doubt if a victory is even possible or not. Eventually, Aang is forced to think there’s no chance of him taking the Fire Lord down before the Sozin’s Comet. Aang’s struggle with hope toward the end of the show is harrowing for viewers. Defeat is not an option but there appears to be no way for Aang and his friends to reach their goal. When Aang finally does subdue the Fire Lord, it reminds viewers that no problem is hopeless, it may just take time to see the answer. The moment you think you are ready to throw the towel, that’s when the real deal begins.
10. Power of Friendship
Perhaps one of the most beautiful and resonant messages from The Last Airbender is that of friendship. The group of four friends that make up Team Avatar is there for each other through so much. There are times when their friendship comes in the way of their goals and at that particular moment, they let go of their goals and sacrifice everything for their friends. While this message is important for children and young people, it’s also a good reminder for adults to value their friends as sometimes these relationships are undervalued compared to familial and romantic bonds.