Glitter in the Eyes
“Glitter in the sky, glitter in my eyes
Shinning just the way I like”
You must have heard this somewhere. If you deny or show confusion hearing these two lines, I would be slightly concerned as every radio, music channel, cafe, or party played Levitating by Dua Lipa as THE GO-TO SONG for each occasion. The vibe this particular song brought along remains parallel to none as the voice of Dua Lipa mesmerized the listeners, who memorized it in no time. Also, if you came across the video of the song, fair to say, Dua took this to the very next level.
Considering the fact that Dua is my celebrity crush, you would expect Faaiz to neglect everything and dance to the beat. However, the earlier stated two lines from the lyrics of Levitating decided to live rent-free in my mind. Of all the parts of the body, why was she focusing so much on them? A spiral of thought processes followed, where the dots seemed to connect, and one realized that eyes have always had an important role in depicting the mood of people. Be it Urdu Poetry, English Literature, songs, or even stories. Eyes are regularly referred to depict the various emotions and states of humans and animals.
The trouble with having a brain that loves dwelling on such adventurous thoughts that no one really cares about, is struggling to realize when to say “STOP” and concentrate on other matters on hand. However, at this moment, I knew I had to halt these developments as there were matters of greater importance that needed my attention. Nah, it was not a life-or-death situation, but a concern that most people could not relate to. I HAD TO MEET MY FRIENDS. As absurd as it may sound, I was meeting my closest friends after a month, and my overthinking side was making this fortunate meetup sound like a laborious task. Questions engulfed the thinking part of my brain as doubt was welcomed with the re-emergence of my introverted side (not a good idea to only meet one friend for a whole month).
A month is not a long duration considering the grand scheme of things, but when you have to overthink, you do not need logical reasoning and facts. I probably would not need it, but to avoid any possible inconvenience, grabbed a paper and penned a mini-speech along with points to talk about with my friends once I finally meet them. If you are to fumble, forget what you desperately wanted to tell, or let your shyness get in the middle of a rare reunion, might as well have contingency plans to ensure you avoid a disaster.
Fast forward, you finally approach the door behind which you would come face to face with one of the few people you had been aching to meet over the last 30 days. Right, mentally cross-check the lists you earlier prepared, and points that should be talked about. With that done, the arm extended, only to turn the cold door knob, opening the door. As the light from the room met my eyes, the iris reacted by constraining the pupil. I stepped inside, and right in front of my eyes, she sat at the row nearest to the door. The instant reaction one could notice was the change in the eyes. As they looked at you, the realization that your friend is here, changed the way they looked. They had excitement in them! Happiness was depicted! The encouragement from this response made you forget your earlier concerns and bin the thoughts that consumed your inner peace, and your nervous eyes gleamed with pure happiness. The list? I forgot it even existed, and only when I was home that I remembered the contingency plans.
With such a positive response from the first friend, the encouragement for an even better greeting with the rest multiplied. Nevertheless, a pivotal aspect of this interaction was how my mind observed the changes in the eyes as you met your friend, unintentionally resorting to the Dua Lipa song lyrics debate. Better to brush that aside and live in the moment, right? That was the plan as my friend and I left the room, to head toward a restaurant.
We took a left, and there she was! The other friend whom I was looking forward to meeting. She was walking toward us, and neither one of us knew this. We were not the only ones surprised as even she looked astonished. The astonishment quickly changed into happiness, and this time, I noticed something I was unaware of earlier. Her hazel-colored pupil dilated. You could see that happening, and it was as if the eyes were communicating their happiness through their own means.
This revelation that one’s eyes can communicate and show emotions has shaken me. Ever since this particular episode, I have arrived at some key takeaways, and no, they do not involve listening to every Dua Lipa song for hidden wisdom. Our bodies have a way of showing what we feel and how to go about things. Some people are good at disguising them while others are not concerned about how they reveal. In a world where most of us are concerned if the person you are interacting with is your well-wisher, one needs to assess body language and signs to come to conclusions as after all, for me, “eyes are the index of the mind”.