Unconditional Motherly Love

Faaiz Gilani
5 min readJul 23, 2020


My mother!

Two days ago, while sipping tea at night, I came across one of the strangest and appalling videos I ever saw. I have seen extreme violence and gore in videos before, but none of those previous videos came anywhere near the distress this particular video caused. Will God ever forgive the oppressor from the video? The brutality exposed in that video was enough for any sane person to condemn such people and involuntarily wish the worse for the wicked psycho, who in the lust of money and greed, beat up his mother in the most inhuman manner. A son doing that to his mother? The one who gave birth to him? Raised, fed, and sheltered her offspring just to be barbarously beaten up by him once old enough alongside his wife? I know it is important to fulfill the aspirations of your spouse and at times their interest may conflict with your parent’s will, but this?
In life, there is little to argue that there is no bond stronger than the love and affection a mother showers at her child. A child’s life, from childhood to adulthood, is continuously blessed with unconditional love and affection, with several roles being played by the mother. That woman plays an unprecedented role in ensuring that her children are safe and happy throughout their life and the happiness they accumulate acts as a fuel for her to continue working the way she does. Have you ever noticed how your mom would be blissful when you are all excited and gleaming positivity? Similarly, your frown is enough for her to ponder over a million reasons for your sadness. I am pretty sure most people would fail to explain this Divine bond with words. I have heard from many mothers that they understood the reasons for their mother’s behavior only after they were blessed with children themselves. Love always encourages us in any falls which come in life. Our mother is the only one (apart from dad) who devotes her days and nights only for our betterment with no expectations. Parents protect their child from any difficult situation and provide him all comfort that they can afford. The first time I realized this universal truth was back in Pre-Nursery. A girl, called Zoya, bit me on the chest and I didn’t tell anyone about it as I was scared. My mother discovered the bite mark while changing my shirt back home. The next day, she waited at the school gate alongside me until Zoya’s mother arrived and fought the case of how Zoya caused me harm. Not only Zoya’s mother but also Zoya said sorry and I could not stop raving about my mother who fought for me!
The future success and accomplishment of people are a reflection of their upbringing by their parents. Without a mother’s presence, a house is incomplete and nothing more than bricks and tons of cement. She works as a superwoman, multi-tasking at its best as she manages to complete everything on time. Sometimes I do wonder how she manages to complete everything on time and ended up asking her, to which she replied, “You will learn with time”. Mother’s love is not only about pampering her child but also about letting her child know the moral and cultural values. While managing the household and taking all of the responsibilities in itself is a burdensome task, proving to be fairly demanding, it is important to highlight the role of mothers outside the four walls of their homes. I am proud of my mother who has nurtured me along with doing a job and also managing home properly. A proper job starting at 8 a.m., ending at 2 p.m. is a fairly exhaustive job, imagine the energy needed to motor yourself through chores for the rest of the day at home. Tough, right? My beloved mother had this as her daily routine for more than 14 years.
Once born, a child realizes that their mother is the very first friend who plays along with them, teaching them all the necessary things needed to survive in life while filling their early years with love and affection. She interacts with her child as her friend and keeps a regular check on all of their activities. Moreover, she oozes wisdom and on a personal level, I can tell that most of her predictions proved to be spot on even if I rejected them in the very first instance. A mother never feels tired while playing with her child and always fulfills all his demands without thinking of her. A mother is like an angel for her child. My mother never played cricket in her childhood but during my youth, whenever my brothers refused to play with me, she would grab the bat herself and come out to play, only to make sure my passion was not restrained by the people surrounding us. It won’t be wrong to say that she’s our unpaid mentor, teacher, friend, and caretaker. She loves her child more than any other thing in this world but sometimes she becomes a little strict towards her child for making him capable to fight with different circumstances comes in life. Mother gives us that power with which we become able to accept them and get success.
When a child born; it is the mother who easily understands the feelings or requirements of her child and this quality continues throughout your life regardless of your ability to mask your emotions with fakeness or acting hardcore in front of her. Throughout our upbringing, she preaches what is wrong for us and in what manner we are to deal with circumstances in life. At that particular moment, some of us do get slightly irritated with the constant lecturing but when the time arrives, you can only silently whisper duas and wishes for her as she gave you all the tools needed to cope with every chaos life throws at you. My mummy always used to tell me the world is filled with cruel people, and some of your friends are hidden enemies as not everyone gets happy at your success. While I used to brush away her judgments, I realized years later that she was spot-on with her analysis. She loves and cares for us without any personal greed.
Ironic isn’t it that motherhood is one of the toughest responsibilities somewhat like a full-time job yet you aren’t repaid in any form. I run out of words to express the beauty of this relation and leave it by labeling it as one of God’s biggest blessings upon us. People who escape the love from their mother are truly unfortunate and if they cause her harm, not only will the world punish them but also their Hereafter would be gruesome.
We as a child always take our mother for granted but without her our life becomes worthless. Mother is a precious gift by God which we need to keep with love and care. She does her job of motherhood with a pure heart and complete devotion. The first teacher is a mother for any child and if he keeps learning life’s lessons under her guidance nothing can stop him in achieving the heights of success. Sitting late at the university or a restaurant with friends, there’s only one person who is patiently waiting for my arrival back home which forces me to cut short my stay as the least I can do is spend my quality time with my mother.

With that being said, HAPPY BIRTHDAY MUMMY!



Faaiz Gilani
Faaiz Gilani

Written by Faaiz Gilani

An aspiring writer, with no prior writing experience, talking about his experiences to help others getting bored in Quarantine……….enjoy my short stories!

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